Even though I know I need to get a job, I am really enjoying my time at home playing "homestead".
I love to get up and feed the chickens, tend to the garden, cook and even clean. Along with job hunting and computer class, I've been sewing and making jewelry. I've also been researching making homesteading a reality and not just a fantasy.
After doing my chores, I love to kick back in the yard with the dogs and the chickens and sometimes Frank the Tank, the tortoise. I bring treats for everyone and they all gather around and we have lunch together. So far I have discovered that chickens LOVE spinach and so do tortoises, but dogs, not so much. Dogs eat carrots 'Muppet style', which means they will take them from you, chew them up and let the pieces fall out of their mouths and all over the ground. Tortoises will eat carrots, but they have to be cut into small pieces. Chickens politely refuse. Dogs and tortoises do like pineapple, but the chickens do not. The chickens love grapes though. I think grapes are their favorite treat so far. They just go crazy over them. I have to give Esther whole grapes so that she will run off to the corner and peck it to bits, otherwise she will just gobble down the cut-up grapes before the other birds even have a chance . Haven't offered grapes to Frank so I don't know how he feels about them, but I bet he would be a fan. The dogs also eat grapes 'Muppet style'. Everyone likes tomatoes, figs, peaches and bok choy. And now you know that.
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