When Greg first started his job, I was really good about getting up at 5am to see him off. My whole life, I have been a chronic sleeper-inner. That is a real condition. From about 5am to 8am is when I do my best sleeping. For some reason, sleep is just extra awesome during that time. I have no willpower. Greg is very good about getting up in the morning. He never pushes the snooze button, he just gets up out of bed. What?!? That's like having dinner with no dessert! (I have food issues too.) The alarm clock I'm using now has a broken snooze button, so I just shut the dang thing off. For about the first month of Greg's new job, I hopped right up, made the bed, poured myself a cup of coffee and then sat on the couch while Greg got ready for work. Maybe that's why I stopped getting up. I wanted to show my support for him by being up at the same time, but as soon as he got up, he'd take his coffee and his book into the bathroom and I wouldn't see him again until after his shower. He'd get dressed, grab his lunch box and kiss me goodbye.
So I started getting up a little later each day. This past week, I have been sleeping until 8am. That isn't really that late, but I am a slow starter. I need to have my coffee, check my e-mail, search for a job, do my "business"... pretty soon it's 10 o'clock and I'm still in my pajamas. Yesterday I slept until 8am. It threw my whole day off. For one, our coffeepot automatically shuts off after two hours, so by 8am it's been off for an hour and a half. This means when I oversleep, I either drink cold coffee or I have to go downstairs to microwave each cup. What a hassle! Why do I oversleep? I have a problem!! By the time I check my e-mail & search for jobs I'm so depressed I want to go back to bed, but I have so much to do. And because I overslept, I only have about two hours of cool weather left before it starts to warm up. I hate being hot. It would be so much better if I just got up earlier. How am I going to be a farm girl if I can't get up early in the morning?
I got up early today. It feels great. It's not even 7am yet and I'm ready to start my chores. Yay!
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